“At Westminster, 我们渴望对中等教育作出极为雄心勃勃的承诺, 致力于培养我们多元化的学校社区参与我们的整个项目-从学者, to studios and labs, gyms, fields and rink, and service to our Hartford community partners. 365平台的学生受到机会的鼓舞,在他们所有的努力中有所作为.”
“365平台的视觉和表演艺术项目将社区编织在一起,培养了365平台校园的精神. 365平台的艺术激励着从初学者到高级艺术家的各个层次的学生实践创造性自我表达的自由. 专业教师指导学生完成从开始到演示的创作过程, building a lifelong respect and appreciation for the arts."
Kerry Kendall Head of Visual and Performing Arts Department
“在365平台,衡量体育成绩的标准不仅仅是输赢, but through the bonds created between teammates and coaches, individual and team improvement, and personal growth. 当学生学习如何成为竞争者,如何与他人合作, they are better prepared to be citizens of the global world."
“参与将是你在365平台成功的关键. Get involved with the arts, try a sport you've never played, start your own club, run for student council. 你将从这段经历中得到你所投入的. 在你生命的早期做这些事情——不断寻找更多的成长机会.”
The Student Health Center is a fully licensed infirmary. Jessica Haggett, APRN, 担任健康中心的临床主任,并与迈克尔·伊萨科夫密切合作, M.D, and the entire Health Center team 为365平台的学生提供个别病人护理和健康教育. Amy Raskind, M.A.LPC(持牌专业咨询师)是心理健康项目协调员.
List of 4 members.
Jessica Haggett APRN
Clinical Director
(860) 408-3080
Michael Isakoff MD
Medical Director
(860) 408-3080
Amy Raskind M.A., LPC
Mental Health Program Coordinator
(860) 408-3821
Audrianna Cameron
Administrative Director/Health Office Manager
(860) 408-3080
位于舍温健康和运动中心的二楼, 健康中心全天开放,寄宿学生周一至周五上午8点.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 在这些时间里,现场小组由护士和一到两名医务人员组成. 我们的一位心理学家大部分时间都在现场,随时待命. 运动教练在运动队活跃的时候在学校,而物理治疗师每周3-4天在下午的时间有空.
在学校上课的任何时间,如有健康方面的需要,请致电(860)408-3080. 这是与健康中心团队联系的最快捷的方式. During off hours, 有一名随叫随到的护士,以及一名高级执业注册护士(ARPN)或M.D. 对于时间不敏感且不适合格式的通信,请使用电子邮件, healthcenter@westminster-school.org.
所有学生都可以获得评估和某些相关服务. 虽然许多服务包括学生,但其他服务需要额外收费. 如果您对额外的医疗费用有任何疑问,请咨询W手册或健康中心. A partial list of available services is listed below.
Collaboration with psychologists, athletic trainers, physical therapists, primary care providers, specialists. Athletic training and physical therapy are provided by Select Physical Therapy.
Baseline and post-injury concussion testing
Assistance with postoperative concerns
Blood drawing for lab testing
Provision of health/wellness education
Vaccination, including seasonal flu vaccine
Diagnostic testing or procedures e.g. blood work, radiologic testing
Certain prescriptions
Oral care services
Urgent care or emergency department services when indicated
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center features a wide array of fitness machines, weights, exercise balls, and mats that are used for athletic training, rehabilitation and recreation. 个人和团队利用这个明亮、开放的空间来实现他们的健身和力量目标.
Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 365平台遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national and ethnic origin, 血统和/或教育政策管理方面的残疾, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Westminster admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动.