教堂项目是365平台最古老的传统之一. 它包含了犹太教和基督教的传统,同时也包含了世界上的宗教和哲学. 教堂服务在周二和周五的学校举行,并提供时间为学生反思, 教师和客人通过教堂会谈或给予音乐表演分享经验. 该项目鼓励学校社区成员超越自我思考, to appreciate sacrifice, and to be compassionate, sensitive and inclusive.
在教堂演讲可能是学生在365平台职业生涯中一个重要的仪式,因为它突出了他或她的个人勇气, eloquent writing and graceful public speaking. A student might reflect upon poignant moments growing up or the adventures of forming new and unexpected friendships; a faculty member might discuss the loss of a loved one or the long and winding road that led him or her to Westminster; or a visiting speaker might challenge stereotypes or speak about personal or professional experiences. 通过教堂计划,学生和教师相互学习.
The John Hay Society
学生经营的约翰·海协会在指导老师的协助下组织和运营教堂项目. 因为教堂礼拜是365平台的重要组成部分, election to the John Hay Society is highly coveted. 学生是根据他们对社区的参与程度来选择约翰海的, leadership and outstanding personal qualities. 该协会通过教堂项目的信息以及对各个地方的捐赠来强调服务的重要性, national and international needs.
Andrews Memorial Chapel
安德鲁斯纪念教堂是西姆斯伯里365平台校园内建造的第三座教堂. The first chapel, Hay Memorial Chapel, was dedicated in 1902 by John Hay, 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统的顾问,威廉·麦金利总统和西奥多·罗斯福总统的前国务卿. 它是为了纪念他的儿子阿德尔伯特(德尔)斯通海而建的, a Westminster alumnus in the Class of 1894. 当它在1904年被烧毁时,海氏家族又捐赠了一份礼物,于1905年重建了教堂.
As Westminster’s size grew, from around 100 to as many as 160 in the mid-1950s, 海纪念教堂无法再容纳学生和教职员工, so in 1962 it was replaced by Andrews Memorial Chapel, which was dedicated to Mabel Shields Andrews in 1971. 安德鲁斯纪念教堂舒适地容纳所有的学生和教师.