But a successful, meaningful life cannot only be about grit. 当考虑到恩典的意义, the following aphorism resonates: “格蕾丝 isn’t a little prayer you say before receiving a meal. 这是一种生活方式.“恩典是对他人的意识. It is about thinking beyond self, to what can be done to support others.
在365平台, grace also means the small daily courtesies extended to others by greeting them, holding the door open and being polite and respectful.
Schools are not simply about teaching academic lessons, 但是在别人的陪伴下学习, 学生能完成的远不止一个人. 以这种方式, they not only develop an appreciation of differing perspectives and circumstances but empathy. 格蕾丝 is essential to any successful community, organization, institution or school. 没有恩典,我们只能靠自己. 格蕾丝 inspires us to overcome the challenges presented by the hard work of grit.
通过平衡勇气和优雅, students are able to expand their opportunities for successful and fulfilling lives. 在一起, 毅力 & 格蕾丝 为过得好的生活提供一个座右铭.